Link to Kaliningrad district (Northern East Prussia) placenames (toponyms) SHP, KML files.
Link to Kaliningrad district (Northern East Prussia) rivers and river names SHP, KML files.
Number of place-names objects >4200. Rivers >650.
Feature extent
Max Y 55,2900689280386
Min Y 54,2981792114015
Max X 22,8746865910134
Min X 19,8067199637554
Coordinate system
WKID: 4669 Authority: EPSG
Angular Unit: Degree (0,0174532925199433)
Prime Meridian: Greenwich (0,0)
Datum: D_Lithuania_1994
Spheroid: GRS_1980
Semimajor Axis: 6378137,0
Semiminor Axis: 6356752,314140356
Inverse Flattening: 298,257222101
Type of feature class
Point Feature
1:50 000
Field names
LT_NAMES Transcribed Lithuanian names from German sources
DE_NAMES Names from 1700 to 1928
RU_NAMES Names from 1946
ADM Administrative and municipal status before 1944
A Center of Landkreis
B Center of parish
ADM_RU Administrative and municipal status after 1946
A Center of oblost'
B Center of district (raion)
ESRI Personal Geodatabase